
Common Questions

  1. What is an Award Letter?
  2. How was my need determined?
  3. How long will the financial aid process take?
  4. How do I get my award and/or refund?
  5. How does Work Study "work"?
  6. Must I apply for the Direct Loan listed on my Award Letter?
  7. What if I am a first-time borrower at 希望?
  8. What if my enrollment status changes?
  9. What else can affect my award?
  10. But what if I need more money?

有没有想过为什么要上大学,怎么上,怎么付学费? 访问 www.大学.政府 有关信息,有用的提示和说明,以帮助您解决这些问题.


1. What is an Award Letter?

An Award Letter tells you the aid 项目 for which you are eligible, in order to help cover university costs. 我们根据您在联邦黄金城App援助免费申请(FAFSA)上提供的信息计算了您的经济援助资格。.


2. How was my need determined?

希望 International University, like all other 大学s and universities, utilizes the federal standardized methodology to calculate your need. 由于费用、资金、政策等方面的差异,实际奖励可能因学校而异. 一般来说,使用的方法可以用以下计算来解释: College Costs - Expected Family Contribution = Your Financial Need.

We also consider outside financial aid sources and benefits such as, private scholarships, vocational rehabilitation benefits, 等. before awarding financial aid.


3. How long will the financial aid process take?

If your data from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 金融援助 Questionnaire, 纳税申报单和所有其他要求的文件将在3月2日之前收到, 4月(5月1日全国候选人回复日之前)收到助学金. 5月1日后, 随着新申请的到来和文件的完成,财政援助包装将每周进行一次.


4. How do I get my award and/or refund?

要“激活”您的奖励,您必须在两(2)周内填写并返回所需的文件. Should you wish to decline or request any changes to the offer, please so indicate on your Award Letter. 为了将经济援助资金应用到你的大学账户, 这些条件必须满足:a)你的经济援助文件必须是完整的,并且可以支付, and b) funds from external sources must be received by the university. 当学校向黄金城App的账户申请财政援助资金,而资金超过了允许的费用时,就会出现信用余额. Allowable charges include tuition, fees, room, and board (if applicable).

如果你有学分余额,并且没有授权学校在你的黄金城App账户上保留这个学分, then a refund check is available within 10 business days. Refunds can only be made after classes have started. 请记住,在收到所有必要的文件和资金到达之前,经济援助资金可能会延迟. 如果你的经济援助用于支付费用,但不包括你的所有费用, you must use your own resources to pay any balance due. 有关付款方式的详细信息,请与您的黄金城App账户代表联系.


5. How Does Work Study "Work"?

联邦工作学习是一项由联邦政府资助的项目,为黄金城App提供通过兼职工作赚取收入的机会. If your Award Letter includes a Work Study amount, 一旦你到达校园,你就需要开始申请勤工俭学的工作. 主管根据黄金城App申请人的技能和能力选择黄金城App从事各种工作, job requirements, and other job related criteria. Competition for these jobs is very high. 学校鼓励黄金城App通过制作简历或获得一些兼职工作经验来为竞争激烈的申请过程做好准备. Your award represents the maximum amount you can earn through work study, but it does not guarantee employment. For more information and job placement, please contact Human Resources at 714-879-3901 ext. 2281.


6. Must I Apply for the Direct Loan listed on my Award Letter?

No, you are not obligated to take out a Direct Loan. Should you choose to do so, 填写主本票(MPN),并将其与获奖信和任何其他要求的文件一起返回. 因为你的MPN有效期为10年,所以你不需要再提交贷款申请. The amount listed on your Award Letter is the maximum you can borrow; you may borrow less. It usually takes 3 - 5 weeks to receive your funds. 资金被发送到大学,并自动应用到你的黄金城App账户. 这个时间框架取决于我们办公室和贷款人的数量.


7. What if I am a first-time borrower at 希望?

首次借款人在希望必须参加入学贷款咨询会议之前,他们的贷款资金可以释放. 黄金城App经济援助办公室将通知黄金城App这些会议的日期. 如果这是你第一次在直接贷款项目下借款, 联邦法规还要求在学期开始后30天延迟收到你的第一笔付款. In addition to Entrance Loan Counseling, 所有借款人在离开学校或中途辍学时都必须接受退出贷款咨询. 黄金城App可以选择满足这些要求(参加贷款入学和/或退出研讨会) www.热门产品.政府. Please contact the Student 金融援助 office if you have additional questions.


8. What if my enrollment status changes?

所有联邦, 当黄金城App改变注册状态(完全退出或减少到不到一半的时间)时,州和机构的课程需要按法定比例计算退款。. Thus, adjustments to your award are necessary. Also, reduction in units can affect your award. 在任何情况下,一旦知道,我们将发送修改后的奖励信通知您任何更改. Any funds that you have already received, but for which you are now no longer eligible, must be returned. 结果是, this repayment may create an outstanding balance in your account, which affects your ability to register for further sessions, participate in commencement, or request the release of degrees, 成绩单, 等.


9. What else can affect my award?

In addition to changes in enrollment status, resources (such as outside scholarships, Veteran 好处, 等.), 未能达到令人满意的学术进步(SAP)要求将影响您的资格. Please refer to the academic progress guidelines for details. Review of academic progress is done every semester or payment period. 如果你没有达到学业进步要求,你将被通知.


10. But what if I need more money?

我们致力于帮助黄金城App探索他们的选择和潜在的额外资源,以及提供有关其他替代贷款计划的信息. 有关这些贷款项目的申请和信息可以在你的黄金城App经济援助办公室获得. 希望黄金城App们可以利用外部奖学金搜索公司通过登录来寻求额外的奖学金 www.fastweb.com. 如果你和/或你的家庭有特殊情况(如失去收入等).) that warrant a review of the aid offer, please contact to your Student 金融援助 Counselor immediately. 一如既往,欢迎您随时与我们讨论您的财务状况. Please call for an appointment, or email us at [email protected].

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