

  1. 什么是奖励信?
  2. 我的需求是如何确定的?
  3. 经济援助的过程需要多长时间?
  4. 我如何获得奖励和/或退款?
  5. 工作学习如何“工作”?
  6. 我必须申请奖状上所列的直接贷款吗?
  7. 如果我是第一次在 希望?
  8. 如果我的注册状态改变了怎么办?
  9. 还有什么会影响我的获奖呢?
  10. 但如果我需要更多的钱呢?

Ever wondered why you should go to 大学, how to go, and how to pay for 大学? 访问 www.大学.政府 for information, useful tips and instructions to assist you with these questions.


1. 什么是奖励信?

An Award Letter tells you the aid 项目 for which you are eligible, 以帮助支付大学费用. We have calculated your financial aid eligibility based on the information that you have provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


2. 我的需求是如何确定的?

希望国际大学, 像所有其他学院和大学一样, 利用联邦标准的方法来计算你的需求. Actual awards may vary by school due to the differences in costs, funding, policies, 等. Generally speaking, the methodology used can be explained with the following calculation: 大学费用-预期家庭贡献=你的经济需要.

我们也考虑外部财政援助来源和福利,如, 私人奖学金, 职业康复福利, 等. 在发放助学金之前.


3. 经济援助的过程需要多长时间?

Once the 金融援助 Office has received your FAFSA any requested documents needed, your offer of financial aid will be emailed to you within 5 business days.


4. 我如何获得奖励和/或退款?

To "activate" your award, you must complete and return any required documents within two (2) weeks. 你是想拒绝报盘还是要求更改报盘, 请在你的获奖信上注明. In order for financial aid funds to be applied to your university account, these criteria must be met: a) your financial aid file must be complete and cleared for disbursement, and b) funds from external sources must be received by the university. A credit balance occurs when a school applies financial aid funds to a student's account and the funds exceed allowable charges. Allowable charges include tuition, fees, room, and board (if applicable).

If you have a credit balance and do not authorize the university to retain this credit on your student account, 然后在10个工作日内收到退款支票. 退款只能在课程开始后进行. Please remember that financial aid funds are subject to delay until all necessary documents are received and the funds arrive. If your financial aid is applied toward costs but does not cover all of your charges, 你必须用你自己的资源来支付任何到期的余额. Please contact your Student Account Representative for details of payment options.


5. 工作如何学习“工作”?

Federal Work Study is a federally funded program that provides an opportunity for students to earn income through part-time employment. 如果你的奖励信中包含了勤工俭学的金额, you will need to start applying for Work Study jobs once you arrive on campus. The selection of students for various jobs is made by supervisors based on the student applicant's skills and abilities, 工作要求, 以及其他与工作相关的标准. 这些工作的竞争非常激烈. Students are encouraged to prepare for the competitive application process by developing a resume or gaining some part-time employment experience. Your award represents the maximum amount you can earn through work study, 但这并不能保证就业. 欲了解更多信息和就业安排,请联系 人力资源 714-879-3901分机. 2281.


6. 我必须申请奖状上所列的直接贷款吗?

不,你没有义务申请直接贷款. 你应该选择这样做吗, complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN) and return it with the Award Letter and any other requested documents. Because your MPN is good for 10 years, you are not required to submit another loan application. The amount listed on your Award Letter is the maximum you can borrow; you may borrow less.


7. 如果我是第一次在 希望?

First-time borrowers at 希望 must attend an Entrance Loan Counseling session before their loan funds can be released. The 黄金城App资助 office will notify students of the dates for these sessions. If this is the first time you are borrowing under the Direct Loan 项目, federal regulations also require a 30 day delay after the start of the semester before receiving your first disbursement. 除了入学贷款咨询, all borrowers are required to receive Exit Loan Counseling when leaving school or dropping below half-time status. Students may choose to satisfy these requirements (attending a Loan Entrance and/or Exit Workshops) by logging on to www.热门产品.政府. 请与 黄金城App资助 如果有其他问题,请联系办公室.


8. 如果我的注册状态改变了怎么办?

所有联邦, state and institutional 项目 are subject to a statutory pro rata refund calculation when students change enrollment status (withdraw completely or drop to less than half-time). 因此,调整你的奖励是必要的. 同时,单位的减少也会影响你的奖励. In all circumstances, once known, we will send a revised award letter to inform you of any changes. 你已经收到的任何资金, 但你现在已经没有资格了, 必须归还. 结果是, 这笔还款可能会在您的帐户中产生未偿余额, 这会影响你注册后续课程的能力吗, 参加毕业典礼, 或者要求释放学位, 成绩单, 等.


9. 还有什么会影响我的获奖呢?

除了注册状态的变化, 资源(如校外奖学金), 退伍军人福利, 等.), and failure to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements will affect your eligibility. 详情请参阅学业进度指引. 每学期或付款期对学业进度进行审查. If you do not meet the academic progress requirements, you will be notified.


10. 但如果我需要更多的钱呢?

We are committed to helping students explore their options and the potential for additional resources as well as providing information regarding other alternative loan 项目. Applications and information about these loan 项目 can be obtained at your 黄金城App资助 Office. 希望 students can utilize an outside scholarship search company to seek additional grant(s) by logging on to www.fastweb.com. If you and/or your family have special circumstances (such as loss of income, 等.有理由对援助提议进行审查, 请立即联系你的黄金城App经济援助顾问. As always, you are welcome to discuss your financial situation with us at any time. 请打电话预约,或发邮件至 (电子邮件保护).

FastWeb's free scholarship search includes more than 400,000 scholarships worth more than $1 billion. FastWeb is provided completely free and 希望国际大学 is a proud FastWeb member school. 点击 在这里 申请奖学金!